Given my business is about the benefits of enjoyment, people wonder if I'm one of those sickly people who is always telling everyone how happy he is. The answer I always give is that the only way to really appreciate the highs of life is to also experience the lows. People close to me in my life get to hear about those times of course. But you don't want to hear about my problems - I am sure you have enough of your own.
It's just that after more than 30 years of observing what people are like when they are doing something just for the hell of it, seeing the looks in their eyes and the spring in their step, it has become deeply instilled in me that there's a powerful lot of good in enjoyment, far beyond simply having a good time.
So I try to keep a happy look at least publicly and I will always emphasize the positives of life in my writings and business. There's enough said about life's problems and stresses. I like to enjoy being the real me whenever possible and I want you to do the same.