Because I have 30 years planning experience in the field of parks and recreation, I have come to see the links between the growth of nature and the growth of people. Why not! After all we are part of nature (not separate to or above nature). We start from a seed that contains everything the mature plant requires, provided it is planted in fertile soil and nurtured with water and nutritious food. And my business is one of cultivating strong new growth.
People are starting to liken me to a People Gardener. And I thought to myself - that's not a bad image to have. The typical gardener is a gentle soul who is warm, caring, nurturing and sincere and they say that just about sums me up as a personal growth mentor.
A gardener doesn't tell nature how to grow, he/she simply helps it by ensuring it has the nourishment it needs to naturally blossom to its full maturity (or potential). That fits very well with my approach to helping people blossom to their full potential. Talking nicely to a plant also helps it grow!
Yeah I like the image of a People Gardener. I hope you do too.