Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Change of Life

We used to think of "the change of life" as being menopausal, usually something experienced by women but also increasingly - in a different way - by men. These days we hear more about such things as sea-change, tree-change, down-shifting, or reaching "the big 0" - 40, 50 or 60.

It's just another of the many areas of thinking affected by the dramatic changes, pressures and stresses of 21st century living. People of any age are simply wanting to get a sense of purpose and reason out of the chaos. We look at everything we do, who we spend time with, what the real pleasures in life are for us. Nothing is taboo in our scope of thinking.

Lifestyle is now a major issue affecting every part of life, every type of business and people of any age. That's why you're reading this very message.

Here's an instant tip to help you.
  1. List every skill you believe you're good at or you've been told by others you're good at.
  2. Think about what you love doing, what your passions are, when you feel you 'come alive' - at work, at home and at play (discretionary interests).
  3. Have some fun letting those thoughts roll around in your mind, play with them in your own time, in your own way, whenever and wherever the mood strikes you.
  4. Watch any small child who just wants to play, to live in the moment, to have some fun.
  5. Think about developing your second childhood. But now you can mix in your life experiences to create your second adulthood.
You're on your way!

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