People want success. The public perception of success tends to be very narrow - financial success, winning, doing better than the opposition, having lots of material things. They are all focused on how we can look successful in the eyes of other people. But success is very personal and relates first and foremost to how we each see our own personal progress in life. This is the sort of success we want to be able to look back on in our later years - and keep pursuing til the day we die.
This sort of success is about understanding and expressing the person we really are and have been all our lives. Its about discovering, maximising and enjoying the skills, talents and abilities with which we were born. The public perceptions of success tend to make us want to be the sort of person we think others expect us to be, rather than to be the person we really are.
We have to overcome some self-generated constraints. In an age of speed and stress, we need to be prepared to stop and reflect more, identify our passions, what experiences really bring us alive, what interests we put aside in past years so we could focus on being the person we think other people expect us to be.
Enjoy being the person you really are. That sort of success isn't measured in money, status or ego. Achieving true success in life might well be apparent to no-one but you. When you achieve that sort of success, however, you can be very sure that others will notice and applaud you.
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