Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Compassion Pays - At Last!

I read the following comments by Susan Heron of AIM in the Weekend Australian of 22/23 August(Weekend Professional section)

  • Companies need to regard non-salary benefits such as good workplace culture, flexible work arrangements and health/wellbeing programs as competitive weapons in the battle to attract and retain the people their business needs to prosper
  • The downturn is having an effect on salaries…non-salary benefits have become the key battleground for employee recruitment and retention…
  • The non-salary component of a person’s package or employment conditions becomes critical in the bid to attract and retain the best employees.

My comments:

  • We are finally getting closer to the day when employers see employees as more than ‘workplace resources’.
  • Money always has been only one (albeit important) part of the employee’s quality of life deal.
  • Ever since the industrial age, business has employed the whole person, not simply their role as ‘a workplace resource’.
  • Work is only one part of our 24/7 day and of our stress.
  • Personal life and personal goals have everything to do with job choices, work productivity and commitment to corporate goals.
  • We carry all of our emotional baggage 24/7 affecting everything we do at work, home and even at play.
  • Just like any other purchase, people ‘buy’ jobs to meet their own needs, and only secondarily to meet the corporate aims of the employer. The sales package has to serve a person’s 24/7 needs and lifetime goals.

I would suggest it’s time to change the expression ‘human resource management’ to one of ‘people investment management’.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to Keep a Healthy Bottom Line

I wrote another article the other day, "How to Keep a Healthy Bottom Line" and had it published on the Best Management Articles website. Overnight (literally) it got on to the Most Read Articles for the month of August. Last time I looked the number of readers was continuing to steadily grow. Go to http://www.bestmanagementarticles.com/MostRead.aspx to find it on the list. Check the "month of August" option.

To date, my various articles on that site have attracted well over 10 000 readers, not to mention a few thousand more on other Article Directory sites. Another article of mine, "How to Enjoy Work Life Harmony Rather than Work Life Balance" is now close to getting on the "All Time most read articles" listing on that site.

I get a tremendous feeling of personal satisfaction from knowing that my contribution to world thinking is getting to so many people across all countries of the world. There are times like this when you feel you know what you were put on this earth to do :) .


Today I had a therapeutic massage. It did more than make me feel relaxed. The word that came into my mind was "liberated". To me that means much more than just feeling free, lucky though I am to enjoy feeling free. It brings in elements of allowing my creative self to fly, opening doors to greater self belief, self confidence and self-assurance. I am proud to be the person I am and I believe in my power to help others. Not a sense of arrogance or self importance but a sense of peace that I am doing what I was put on this earth to do.

Try a massage sometime. It offers a wonderful opportunity to meditate.