Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Retirement Planning isn't just about the money

Google Alert on my computer gives me a weekly report on anything written online to do with retirement planning. I kid you not that everything I see on retirement planning is about the money. That's of course very important, or there wouldn't be so many articles written about it. But I seem to be the only person on the planet who takes a professional interest and provides professional help about what you are going to DO in retirement. It's a very scary subject for most working people and perhaps they want to avoid discussing it.

That's a real pity. It is potentially the most stimulating stage of one's life (and I am now 70!) - having the chance to plan life on your terms rather than on the terms of others. That includes any decision to keep on working - only now you make all the decisions on your own terms - what sort of work, how many hours, what goals you want to achieve, and so on.

You can get a taste of what I mean by reading my article "I Wanna Be a Kid Again", at http://www.workleisure.com/resources/Iwannabeakid.html . As a client of mine once defined retirement " hey, what's for dessert?? I've just finished the main course and I'm still hungry!"

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