Monday, May 17, 2010

I have over 20 000 testimonials to my integrity

I am delighted to report that readership of my online articles on the Best Management Articles site alone has this week passed 20 000 visits and the number continues to grow daily. Seven of the articles have each so far attracted in excess of 1000 readers. The most read article - "Why Work Life Harmony is Better Than Work Life Balance" is in the list of Most Read Articles of All Time on that site, with 2080 visitors to that page as of today. Go to

Those statistics do not of course include visits to the various articles on my own website at the statistics of which are not so clear to me. Nor do they include statistics on various other article directories at which my articles appear, or numerous general business sites who have seen fit to pick up and publish various of my articles.

The reason I tell you these statistics is only partly to feel good about myself (and I do! :) ).

More importantly it's to make you aware that there can be no better testimonial than the fact of having well over 20 000 readers of my numerous articles to date - only a handful of whom I would know and fewer still who would know me. Integrity is very hard to win on the internet and I believe I can claim to have achieved online integrity.

One final point. The articles present not so much new information as they do insight. If I can help you in any way - no matter where you are in the world - send me a message at

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