Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Do You Need?

Perhaps you can sense that something is missing in your life, that you are experiencing a sense of unease about the direction your life is taking you. It could be you need to
* cope better with prolonged excessive stress, at work or in your personal life
* harmonize your work/life with an energizing mix of enjoyable interests at work, home and play
* ease a fear of your impending need to start making the transition from full-time work to whatever your next stage of life might prove to be
* come out of the fog that has been shrouding your life energy since the loss of a loved one.

If you feel the time is right to start following passions that you have ignored, put off, or forgotten, I can help you. Start by enjoying a stress-easing browse of the mass of helpful information in my various articles on my website at http://www.workleisure.com/resources/articles.html You won't be interrupted and I'm only an email or a phone call away if you need any help.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Revolutionising People Management Investment Programs

"People Management Investment" instead of human resource management; "emotional energy management" instead of work life balance; "expanding life potential" instead of staff development program. Whether or not any of those terms do it for you as a leader and/or manager, if you really want to attract, retain and develop the best people for your line of business, you cannot help but agree its time to change our whole thinking about workplace culture.

Such changes need to regard work and everything else people do in their lives as something of a seamless blending. You cannot get the best out of people if you don't see them as whole human beings.

I've just been watching some commentary on what may well be a "hung parliament" for Australian national government. I was excited at suggestions that this provided a fabulous opportunity to start changing the whole spectrum of national politics from one of what I call party protection (parties come first and the needs of Australia second) to one in which all Members of Parliament debate issues along non-party lines. A huge hope perhaps but something's gotta change!

It got me excited to sit down at my computer and hammer out a similar line of thinking I have had about managing people in business.

The whole concept of work in the 21st century pressure cooker lifestyle has changed forever. It is time to throw out the traditional 20th - no 19th! - century way in which workers are managed in business today. To my mind, for any business to be truly successful over the next decade, they almost have to see work as the means by which people can blossom to their full potential, rather than the other way around. The world and its economy revolves around people - first, last and foremost. Get the people right and you get the business right.

Crazy thinking? Maybe but business needs to totally upend the way it invests in its people.

Writing this blogpost has got me fired up!!! What about you? :-)

C'mon let's have your comments.