Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Do You Need?

Perhaps you can sense that something is missing in your life, that you are experiencing a sense of unease about the direction your life is taking you. It could be you need to
* cope better with prolonged excessive stress, at work or in your personal life
* harmonize your work/life with an energizing mix of enjoyable interests at work, home and play
* ease a fear of your impending need to start making the transition from full-time work to whatever your next stage of life might prove to be
* come out of the fog that has been shrouding your life energy since the loss of a loved one.

If you feel the time is right to start following passions that you have ignored, put off, or forgotten, I can help you. Start by enjoying a stress-easing browse of the mass of helpful information in my various articles on my website at http://www.workleisure.com/resources/articles.html You won't be interrupted and I'm only an email or a phone call away if you need any help.

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