Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Have Fun Planning Your Life

Yesterday I had a 'ball', facilitating my latest "Integrated Life Plan" workshop. It's a fantastic feeling to run a workshop that focuses on enjoyment as a life-changing experience. Lots of laughter of course, but more rewarding was seeing the light come into participants' eyes as they luxuriated in the opportunity to stop, be themselves and reflect on some wonderful experiences in which they enjoyed the peace of feeling truly alive.

The point of it all was to help them build on their positives, discover new horizons and plan to "write their own script" for the coming acts of that drama we call "My Life".

Here are a couple of the testimonials given to me at the end of the session:
"Stretched the mind - moved the barriers - 'permission-giving'. A most helpful time of sharing, thinking and learning - Thank you!"
"Thought-provoking at an appropriate time in my life. Has given me real strategies to action".

An Integrated Life Plan workshop takes over where financial planning leaves off. Its even more important to invest in yourself. The workshop is especially helpful to people who are planning to cope with a major shift in their life.

Like public transport, there'll be another one along shortly!

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