Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Work Life Balance Isn't Working

Generally, business seems to accept in principle the need for, and benefits of, work life balance but there is plenty of doubt about the extent to which its being practiced. When I say work life balance, I mean much more than "family-friendly" policies. I'm talking about everybody - male and female, from the CEO to the junior assistant - having mutually-energising lives that allow us to cope with life's pressures.

I think a big reason is that everyone involved has recognized work life balance as a conflict between employer and employee that neither 'side' is going to win. We can't 'deficit budget' time. While everybody is trying to pack more into every day, we won't get more time than 24 hours a day, or 168 hours a week. The treadmill is getting faster, the pressure more intense and people more stressed. It's based on the increasingly "time poor" situation and it has to change.

We need a different approach and I suggest that it's in the idea of Work Life Harmony. By that I mean getting some harmony between the personal goals of individual employees (including managers and CEO's) and the corporate goals of the business. The word harmony infers diversity that works together to form a pleasing outcome for all - including the listener (customer). This requires us to change our thinking from managing time to managing energy. People are putting personal goals ahead of corporate goals and emotional desires ahead of material desires. I have plenty more ideas on this subject but want to know for now if you agree with the general approach I am advocating.

Peter N

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